The forty years long experience of the SWS technical and operative staff is the result of the most genuine enthusiasm for the mechanic and the most flexible availability on aeronautical problem solving 365 days a year.Competence, reliability and professionalism are the unavoidable foundations of a well rooted nationwide structure including:
- Pilots with long operative experience in several helicopter missions,
- Field operators trained to coordinate and carry out the aerial services according to the execution time and the safety rules,
- Technical/mechanical experts with relevant qualifications and certifications for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance services on of rotorcrafts,
- Electro-technical experts in avionic services,
- Engineering, commercial and administrative staff for the satisfaction of the client and the compliance with the strict aeronautical regulations.
Star Work Sky operates according to the national and international rules applicable in the aeronautical industry; the company owns an Air Operator Certificate in line with the European Regulation 965-2012 and a Certificate for Training of pilots. The company is also approved for helicopters maintenance, overhaul, design and manufacture of aeronautical components.